Monday, July 6, 2009


As the sordid details of Steve McNair's death emerge, the biggest question will be Why? Why did this have to go down like this? Why did McNair have the extra residence and relationship? Why did a fling end a life? And we will never really know, just like we never really know anything about those we praise on the field of play. We know McNair was tough as nails. We know he was a tremendous leader of men. We know he had skill beyond what we had seen in a running/throwing quarterback. And we know he did genuine work in his community, and for others. But we don't know about a man's personal life. Only those closest to him do. Now his wife, Mechelle, must deal with all the stories and innuendo. And his sons...who worshipped their dad the way a son does, must ask why? May God be with Mechelle and those young men...


Anonymous said...

Let's continue to pray for Steve's wife Mechelle, his children and his family. We have lost a great friend and an asset to our community. We love you and you'll be missed greatly.

Your Titan Fan

Anonymous said...

I tell you Why! Romans 6:23... For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Jackie said...

My prayers go out to the entire McNair family, especially those boys. Steve is having a Home-Going Celebration that all of us hope and look forward to. I say don't judge him, unless you yourself can be judged without sin. He was a great person and a real contributor to our city & will missed by many.

Heather said...

I just wanted to say; If you do not know some one personally, you can not really judge them. Now whatever happen had happen. Remember how he played, not how he died. My deepest remorse goes out to the Mcnair Family, especially the boys.

Anonymous said...

This man made Tennessee! We are celebrating a HERO not a zero. I think we all remember the good him because that's all we ever saw. The private life should stay just that, private. There's not a Hall of Fame big enough for Steve McNair. He will be missed. May God Bless Mechelle, & most importantly them boys. WHY?

Anonymous said...

On the idea of the hall of fame... McNair's on field accomplishments are worth of the honor. If you believe he was the only NFL-er who had an affair and troubled life, you're living in a very secluded world. It wasn't right, for sure. But the talent stands. We are none perfect.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the man deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. HIs personal life should not reflect the tremendous job he did on the field. He took the Titans to their first superbowl and made the country aware of who they are. Please do not short him and his family the recognition he deserves. He was one of the very best ever.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the man deserves to be in the Hall of Fame.

NONE of us are perfect but yet we are so quick to judge others for their actions and quote verses of the bible when we all surely have some sins in our closet no matter how LARGE or SMALL they are, a sin is a sin.

Please STOP judging this man for his off field life. The Hall of Fame is about how that person played and the mark they made in the sport of football. Not their personal life.

He deserves the honor and his family deserves to know he is honored one of the most outstanding NFL players ever.

Commodores Carl said...

What a bunch of hypocrites. You constantly bash steroid users but the 2nd someone wants to pass judgment on an ADULTERER you get all up in arms? Please. Just because he played for a team you cheer for? And I don't need to know him personally to know the facts: He was an adulterer. He certainly did not deserve to die but to not talk about the circumstances surrounding his death would be irresponsible. You are the same people who have been calling Jacko a pervert the past week as well. And as for 'god' where was he when that chick pulled out her gun?

Commodores Carl said...

McNair is NOT Hall worthy. I know you're all caught up in the emotion right now but was he was not one of the Top 2 or 3 QBs of his generation which is typically the criteria.

Anonymous said...

No, I have not called Jacko a pervert in the last week and never have. He was tried and found acquitted. As for the question of "where was God when she pulled the trigger" probably watching over a world full of of sinner's. Nobody on this page says what Steve McNair was doing with his personal was right and it wasn't. But either way, who are YOU or US to pass judgement.

Let it go. Let the police do their job and let the children and family of this man have some peace.

Judge yourself not others.

Anonymous said...

Look, all this stuff about not judging Steve, and he was so nice and did so much for the community..SO WHAT. The real McNair was morally bankrupt. Hooking up with a kid barely 20, for what companionship. I suspect that this new sweetheart began to realize that he wasn't interested in anything but her body, and I think she lost it when he probably told her that things weren't working out and she realized all the perks and toys would be history. Steve forgot the most important lesson when it comes to looose women. The most dangerous person on the planet is a scorned bimbo, especially one with a gun....When he sat on that couch and looked into that barel, I'm sure he understood how stupid he had been........Pop.pop.pop.pop. your dead sucka....