Everyone with two eyes and a brain assumed Barry Bonds had somehow chemically altered his body, so how are we to react once it becomes a fact, proven in court? One thing to remember here is that Bonds is not getting jammed for using performance enhancing drugs...this is about
perjury and obstruction of justice. What he was lying about and what justice he was obstructing is of no matter...check today's poll question as to what baseball should do about the
Homerun King's record now...
My record against the spread in "Beat the Big Dog" now stands at 39-28, 58%, which will buy you a cup of coffee and a donut and leave you enough for the tip, so here are my selections this week:
On Saturday I've got
Vandy +12' in Knoxville; I think they'll keep it close, Georgia -8' at home against Kentucky and I don't feel great about it, and, although I can't
believe I'm saying it, I'll take Michigan at home, with the 4', against Ohio St. Not to save Lloyd Carr's gig, but for one big push to save a lost season...More on Ohio St. in a moment. Sunday, I've got Dallas-10' at home against the Skins, Cleveland -2' in Baltimore (Matty B LOVES
B'more in this one) Monday night I'm taking the Titans and the 1' in Denver...
With Oregon losing last night, and don't talk to me about QB Dennis Dixon being hurt, they gave up 34 to an
unranked team, can Ohio St. climb back into title game consideration? Not likely with the Big 12's big 3 going round robin....BUT....If Oklahoma gets dumped by
Okie St., Kansas beats Missouri and then Oklahoma takes out Kansas in the Big 12 Championship game now you have to pick 2 from the one loss teams including
LSU, and, of course, West Virginia. Now if
LSU loses, the title game could come down to West Virginia and Ohio St.! Big 10 v. Big East. Conferences with no Title game. Just doesn't seem right...